Our trained staff promises that we will treat your beloved pet as we would our own. We have all experienced the loss of a beloved family member, and we understand the loss that you are feeling. Our promise to you is to give your pet the dignity and respect that he or she has earned. We are dedicated to providing the best possible aftercare to your pet angel.

Private Cremation

If you choose private cremation, we guarantee that you get only your pet’s ashes back. We have separate chambers to ensure that your pet is cremated and returned to you completely. Your pet will be returned to you in a beautiful hand-carved wooden urn.

Pickup and return of your pet through your veterinarian are provided at no additional cost to you. If you would prefer, we are available for you to bring your pet to either of our locations by appointment.

Common Cremation

If you choose common, or group cremation, no ashes are returned. Your pet’s ashes are combined with other pets and are buried in Faithful Companions Pet Cemetery in Pennsylvania in our Rainbow Memorial Garden. This is a dedicated area for these pet ashes and you are welcome to visit if desired. Please call to schedule an appointment.

Viewable Cremation

We were one of the first crematories to offer viewable cremation at our Pennsylvania location. Our Binghamton office was also designed with an open viewing area. This allows you to have your pet back home with you in the shortest amount of time possible. If you wish, you may observe as much or as little of the process as you are comfortable with, and may take your beloved pet’s ashes home with you right away. You have the option of bringing your pet directly to us for viewable cremation, or we provide complimentary scheduled pick up from your Veterinarian. We will schedule the approximate 2 hour cremation process with you to ensure privacy and to avoid any excess waiting. You may choose to wait in our comfortable waiting area, or you can arrange to return to pick up your pet.